Curd Rice

Ingredients :
3 cups Plain curd
6 cups Uncooked rice
1 twig Curry leaf (Kadipatta)
1 tsp Mustard seeds
2 tsp Coriander leaves (chopped)
2-3 Dry red chilies
2 tbsp Cooking oil
Salt to taste
How to make:
Wash rice, put it in a pressure cooker and cook them on a low flame.
Take a small pan and put some oil into it. Heat the oil.
When the oil becomes hot, put mustard seeds, curry leaves and
dry red chilies into it. Cook till the chilies turn almost black.
While stirring the above mixture, add curd and salt to it.
Now, add the cooked rice to the curd mixture and mix them well.
Garnish the rice with coriander leaves.
Curd Rice is ready to be served.