Cumilla councillor killing: Two accused killed in ‘gunfight’ with cops


UNB, Dhaka:

Two men accused of killing Cumilla ward councillor Syed Mohammad Sohel were killed in a gunfight on Monday night, police said on Tuesday.
The deceased were identified as Md Sabbir Hossain and Sajon. Three cops also sustained injuries in the exchange of fire, said officer-in-charge of Cumilla Kotwali police station, Anwarul Azim.
Acting on a tip-off, a police team rushed to the Songraish area of the city on Monday night. Seeing the cops, the accused opened fire, forcing the police team to retaliate.
After the gunfight, police rushed the two seriously injured criminals to Cumilla Medical College and Hospital, where they were declared dead on arrival, said Azim. “The bodies were sent for post-mortem.”
“Three cops also received bullet wounds in the gunfight. Two guns and some ammunition were recovered from the spot,” the OC said.
On November 22, Sohel, Cumilla City Corporation (CCC) councillor of Ward-17, and one of his aides were killed while four others sustained injuries when gunmen opened fire in his office in Pathuariapara.
Based on his younger brother Syed Rumon’s complaint, as many as 21 people, some 10 of them unidentified, were booked by the Kotwali police.
So far, a total of five people have been arrested in connection with the double murder.
