Cultural rights at stake for global avalanche of hate

UNB, Dhaka :
UN Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights Karima Bennoune has said cultural rights are threatened by global avalanche of hate that must be tackled with urgency.
“We face a global avalanche of hate in the form of rising fundamentalism and extremism around the world. This must be tackled with urgency, using a human rights approach. Culture and cultural rights are critical components of this response,” she told the Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The Special Rapporteur is deeply concerned at the normalisation of fundamentalist and extremist ideology and rhetoric in many political, cultural and media contexts, in diverse forms and in all regions of the world, and the increasing embrace they find in mainstream political parties and candidates.
In her report to the UN Human Rights Council, the expert highlights how diverse fundamentalist and extremist ideologies have in common a mindset based on intolerance of differences and pluralism, and all attempt to stamp out cultural diversity and dissent, according to a message UNB received from Geneva on Friday.
She gives examples of cultural engineering aimed at redesigning culture based on monolithic world views, focused on ‘purity’ and enmity toward ‘the other’; these include the policing of ‘honour’ and ‘modesty’, claims of cultural and moral superiority and the imposition of what is hailed as ‘true religion’ or ‘authentic culture’.
“These ideologies abuse cultural rights by stifling freedom of artistic expression and curtailing scientific freedom,” she said.
“They impose ways of life, including through pressuring educational institutions, personnel and students, targeting minorities, promoting discrimination that infringes on the right to take part in cultural life, erasing symbols of coexistence, and undermining the universality of human rights,” she added.
“Universality is one of the most important tools in the struggle against the harmful effects of fundamentalism and extremism on cultural rights, and must be resolutely defended,” Bennoune said.
Emphasising that the threat from fundamentalist and extremist ideologies was far-ranging, she said extremists also aimed to limit the enjoyment of women’s human rights, and restrict the sexual and reproductive rights of all.
Artists and intellectuals are often targeted, she said, both because creativity and expression are seen as a threat by fundamentalists and extremists and also because they often resist and offer alternatives.
The Special Rapporteur stressed that cultural rights are a critical counterweight to fundamentalism and extremism and called for more to be done to guarantee the conditions for all to fully enjoy them.
“The arts, education, science and culture are among the best ways to fight fundamentalism and extremism and to prevent or stop the human rights violations to which they give rise. They are not luxuries, but critical for promoting inclusion, making space for peaceful contestation and protecting youth from radicalization,” Bennoune emphasised.
The Special Rapporteur called for effective, concerted global action to combat fundamentalism and extremism, and stressed that this must be done in accordance with international standards and not misused as a justification for violations of human rights.
She said: “Whereas it’s important to clearly condemn and act against violent forms of extremism, we must also tackle fundamentalist and extremist ideologies as these provide the basis for violence and violations.
Extremist actors will not be truly disarmed unless their ideology is comprehensively challenged and repudiated,” she emphasised.