CUJ organisational month begins


BSS, Chittagong :
Chittagong Union of Journalists (CUJ) on Sunday formally began an organizational month and databank formation work for its members.
President of the Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) and media personality Manjurul Ahsan Bulbul formally inaugurated the programmes at Chittagong Press Club auditorium.
Speaking at the inaugural function, BFUJ president Manjurul Ahsan Bulbul said the draft of the exclusive wage board for the journalists and employees of the electronic media has been finalised.
He said the draft of the Newspaper Employees Service Condition Act of 1974 incorporating separate wage structures for electronic media has also been finalised and he demanded of the government to place it soon in the parliament.
Responding to the demands of the journalists, Bulbul said the anomalies in the 8th Wage Board Award would soon be resolved through tripartite discussions.
