CUET national confce on water resources ends

Chittagong Bureau :
Vice Chancellor of the Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology Prof.Dr. Rafiqul Alam said the continuity of national GDP is most essential for durable development .
To sustain the continuity of the ongoing development, we should search for alternative resources than the limited resources. He disclosed it while addressing the concluding session of the two day long National conference on Water Resources Engineering’ at university central auditorium yesterday as Chief Guest. The chief guest in his brief deliverations said with strong farsightness of the Prime Minister, Bangladesh achieved a great success in acquiring the sea boundary from the custody of India and Myanmar. In this context, we sea new hope of water resources beside our existing resources. Prof. dr. Ayesha Akhter presided over the concluding session duly attended by Dean of Civil Engineering faculty Prof Dr. Abdur Rahman, deputy managing director of Diamond Cement Ltd Abdur Rahim as special guests. In the conference , 11 keynote papers on Karnaphuli river and 4 on Halda river were presented in the discussions. Besides, in six technical sessions, a total of 69 articles placed before the conference. 174 teachers from 15 universities of the country and 6 govt-private colleges took part in the discussions, a CUET sources said.