CUB discusses on child rights, girls education

Jebunnesa Afroz, MP speaks at a discussion program on child rights and girls education organized by Canadian University Bangladesh at its Banani Campus in the city recently.
Jebunnesa Afroz, MP speaks at a discussion program on child rights and girls education organized by Canadian University Bangladesh at its Banani Campus in the city recently.
Campus Report :
Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB) organized a discussion program on child rights and girls education recently at its Banani Campus in the city. Jebunnesa Afroz, MP was the chief guest at the event while Md. Rafiqul Islam, Chief of Party- Second Chance Education, Save the Children was present as guest speaker to enlighten the students through an interactive and enjoyable educational experience. Prof Dr Mohammad Mahfuzul Islam, Vice Chancellor, CUB presided over the program and Brigadier General Md. Asaduzzaman Subhani (Retd.), Registrar delivered welcome speech.
The entire program was conducted by SM Arifuzzaman, Associate Professor and HoD, School of Business, CUB. Prof William H Derrenger, Dean, School of Business, Canadian University of Bangladesh also spoke in the discussion as special guest.
The speakers said every child has right to formal education and access to lifelong learning. If girls are denied their right to education, they are also denied the chance to develop skills that will help them take charge in their homes, careers and above all countries. Present Govt is very keen to invest more in girl’s education and has become successful in this field. However, still many girls are forced to leave school while others never have the opportunity to go to school.
Among others, Hanif Mahtab, Associate Professor of Business School and Proctor In-charge and Head of Career Service Wing, Md. Latiful Khabir, Associate Professor of Business School and Head of Student Service Wing and Students’ Directorate, Dr Abdullah- Al- Monzur Hussain, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Law, Dr Nurul Islam Babul, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Film and TV and other faculties and officers of CUB were present in the program.