Delay in publishing results: CU Zoology students confine four teachers


CU Correspondent :

Zoology students of Chittagong University confined four teachers, including their chairperson, to their respective rooms on the campus for long delay in publishing results on Sunday.
Chairperson Prof Gazi Mohammad Asmat, Prof Ali Azadi, Prof Manzurul Kibria, and Associate Prof Rasheda Chowdhury were freed two and a half hours later following assurance from the proctorial body.
The fourth-year final results of academic session 2011-12 have been pending for last nine months while the students under academic session 2014-15 have been awaiting the second-year final results for 11 months due to “internal conflicts of teachers”, said students.
Students, of both the sessions, started their new classes a few months ago but those are not being conducted regularly, they claimed.
“The chairperson did not take any step to publish the result despite several appeals from us”, said a student, requesting anonymity.
Prof Gazi Asmat, Chairperson of the Department, could not be contacted over the cell phone despite several attempts.
Liton Mitra, Assistant Proctor of CU, said they would take steps to solve the matter soon
