CU to get WiFi facilities this month


Shaporan Haque, CU :
Chittagong University (CU) is getting WiFi Internet technologies facilities from the middle of this month, if everything goes well confirmed Nurul Mustafa, Prof. of Computer Science and Engineering Department and Sub-project Manager of University WiFi-project CUCN-02.
Nurul Mustafa said that most of the work of WiFi Project has already been done and the rest of the work will be done within April 12.
WiFi technology will be opened for the teachers and students in the middle of this month after the observation of World Bank delegator, he added.
According to the University source, Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC) under the Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) had undertaken the project of establishment of WiFi-internet to spread internet facilities among the students and teachers of the universities which is funded by the World Bank. Initially the project introduced in Chittagong University, BUET, Dhaka University and Agricultural University in Mymensingh campus.
Under this project, Bangladesh Education and Research Network system (BDREN) developed the work of spreading WiFi on the campus which was started in last November .
After investigating progress work of WiFi project it is found that, the grassroots site surveys, coverage plan, or radio frequency plan, hardware installation and software installation work has already been completed. After testing the rest of audit work and check in completion of the authority, they would take initiative of the final approval following soft lunching in this month.
However, under the project, in eight crowded place were taken under WiFi facilities including university zero point, Shaheed Minar, Central Library and CUCSU building.
Each of these stations would cover 500 meters around and teachers and students will be able to enjoy free internet facilities in this place.
Without this University Administrative Building, Faculty of Social Sciences, Business faculty will provided internet access via cable connection in all the building.
From where they can enjoy internet facilities vie cable connection.
It is hoped that, the long sufferings of teachers and students of using internet will decrease with the use of the internet with WiFi technology.
Now no one can need not to do wait in line for Internet access or went to Cyber Cafe.
Anyone who wanted to enjoy Internet access can go to the WiFi station and have a free access of internet which eliminates the waste of time and money.
A Masters student of Economics Department Shamima Akter thanked CU authority and said that, we have to go to the Cyber Cafe and waited in lines many times which cost our time and money to browse internet before. But now we need not to standing in line or go to cyber cafe to use the internet.
