CU goes for e-tender to ensure transparency


Mohammad Juel, CU :

Chittagong University has gone into e-tender process for the first time for more transparency and accountability.
 To ensure the programme, five engineers of the university’s Engineering Department taking training from the Planning Ministry.
Chief Engineer and ex-director of planning and development of CU, Abu Sayeed Hossain confirmed it to the correspondent, saying the administration will go for e-tender service soon and following this, the concerned persons were sent to Planning Ministry to have experience.
 He also said, they were preparing themselves from November 27 after a planning committee meeting sought for more transparent system in tender dropping.
University sources said, education ministry approved tk. 51 crore 89 lack 97 thousand for the infrastructural development of three project—the second phase work of Bangabandhu Hall, the setup of the dormitories for the teachers and the fourth and concluding of the Biological Faculty Bhaban.
Tk. 24 crore 85 lacks and 39 thousand has been allowed for the infrastructural cost of Bangabandhu Hall, tk. 22 crore 82 lacks and 10 thousand for the Biological Faculty bhaban and tk. 4 crore 22 lakh 47 thousand for teachers dormitory.
The e-tender for the above infrastructure would be soon called upon from the contracting firms through advertisement in print and online media, Abu Sayeed added.
Mentionable, Communications and Bridge minister Obaidul Quader few days again a meeting in city Awami League president’s Chasma Hill residence with local Awami League stalwarts urged CU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury to go for e-tender service.
Earlier, Chittagong University Chhatra League divided into two parts over tender grabbing and still the duo groups are in arch rivalry.
During the last tender dropping, one faction of Chhatra League blockade the engineering office to halt tender dropping. After the incident, the university authority move to e-tender services.
