CTSPAF gets new body

Economic Reporter :
Leaders of the CC TV Security Products Awareness Foundation (CTSPAF) underscored the need for raising awareness on CC TV with a view to ensuring public security of the country.
The law enforcing agencies is controlling the crime activities in the country through the installation of CC TV. As a result, the crime incidents declined slightly in the recent years, said Dr Mizanur Rahman Shely, Former Minister for the Ministry of Information and Water Resource and incumbent Chairman of CDRB.
Every country in the world has CC TV act to ensure public security accordingly, which is absent in Bangladesh, said the former minister. He demanded for making CC TV act for ensuring public security across the country.
Currently, CC TV have installed in the main points of the city as well as the districts which is helping to monitor criminal activities in the country, but is insufficient against the demand.
The Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is dedicated to make a digital Bangladesh. More CC TV installation and an act would help creating digital Bangladesh. Security is the prime concern of the present government, so it is a time befitting demand for making a CC TV act to consider the security of the countrymen as well as foreigners.
Security is the fundamental demand of the people as well as the investors. Country needs more investment to attain Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Local and foreign investors want security of their life and investment. Adequate security can ensure a vibrant economy.