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Chittagong Bureau :
Robi and The Daily Star organised a training session for English teachers of Chittagong region yesterday at city community centre.. A total of 75 teachers from 25 schools across the division participated in the programme aimed at developing their teaching skill.
Chief Corporate Officer of cell Robi mobile network Matiul Islam Nowshad inaugurated the training session as the Chief Guest. Mohammad Aziz Uddin, Zonal Deputy Director, Secondary and Higher Education, Chittagong Zone, attended the function as Special Guest.
Shahada Aktar, Schools Inspector of Chittagong and Robi’s Vice President for Communication and Corporate Responsibility Ekram Kabir were also present on the occasion.
The training programme had in-depth discussion on the modality of the English teaching programme and the participants shared their views and opinions with the organizers of the session on how it could be improved further.
The primary objective of this session was to build capacity of the English teachers with the view to improve the standard of English teaching. Throughout the day the teachers were exposed to modern tools and techniques of teaching English language.