Ctg overwhelmed over execution of SQ Chy death sentence

BSS, Chittagong :
The people of all walks of life, especially freedom fighters, members of the martyred families and prosecution witnesses here on Sunday are overwhelmed over execution of death sentence of war criminal Salauddin Quader Chowdhury (SQC).
The whole of Chittagong, native village of SQC along with others parts of the country burst into jubilation. Every nook and cranny of Bangladesh pulsated with cheers as the people who never even dreamt about the infamous war criminal SQC could walk to gallows for his crime against humanity in 1971.
Though jubilation pervades everywhere, some of the victims in the torture cell of the Pakistani collaborator SQC could not help but shed tears hearing the news of execution of death sentence.
The victims also profusely hailed Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina led present government which did not budge an inch from her firm conviction to try the countries war criminals.
Some of the freedom fighters, eyewitness to the brutality and grisly torture unleashed by SQC in 1971 were seen burst into tears during the hanging of SQC.
There is hardly any helmet of the district where sweets were not distributed, greetings, hugging each others, sharing cheers and text messages were not exchanged.
Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, was a terrifying young goon in Chittagong who led his gang along with the Pakistani forces to the Hindu populated villages and killed indiscrimnately because he thought the Hindus did not vote for his father and that Hindus were enemies of Pakistan.
Bangladesh won its freedom, but these people, after a brief respite of three and a half years, got back their might and the ladder to power following the killing of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975.
SQC who openly mocked the liberation war and its martyrs and gloated over his role as a Razakar, also become a adviser of Parliament affairs of former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia in her 2001-06 government.
Elderly businessman Mohammad Salim Ullah, who was brutally tortured by SQ Chy at his torture cell – Goods Hill in 1971, could not help but cry out of immense contentment over the execution of SQC’s death sentence.
With tears rolling down, Salim Ullah said the departed souls of the victims of torture would rest in peace hearing the execution of death sentence.
“I have been crying for last 43 years but there are differences between the tears of the past and that of today”, he said adding “I have been waiting for this day for 43 years bearing the pain and sufferings of torture”. He said at long last the truth ultimately prevailed.
Another witness Sheikh Mohammad Jahangir whose father and brother were kidnapped and killed by Pakistani occupation forces also hailed the death sentence saying it has cleansed the guilt of 1971.
Thanking Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for initiating trial of the killers of 1971, Jahangir said he had been waiting for this day for long 43 years and the souls of his father and brother would rest in peace.
Expressing his jubilation another witness Kazi Nurul Absar urged the government to confiscate wealth and resources including the then torture cell ‘Goods Hill’ and turn it into a Liberation War Museum.
Prafullah Ranzan Singha, whose philanthropist father and founder of herbal medicine Kundeswahari Principal Natun Chandra Singha was brutally killed by the Pakistani collaborators during 1971 also expressed satisfaction over the hanging of war criminal SQC.
He said he along with the people of the country were eagerly waiting for this day. During the war, SQC along with his men and Pakistani occupation forces, unleashed a cold blooded savagery on five villages of Raozan, in Chittagong killing 111 Hindus.
His father and he blamed the Hindus for his father’s defeat in 1970 election. SQC even did not spare Nutun Chandhara Singha, a social worker and Philanthropist.
He and his men killed Natun, dragging him out of a temple where he was praying at that time. He also accompanied the Pakistani Army when Awami League leader Mozaffar Ahmed and his son were abducted. The two were later found dead.
People of Raozan upazila, the birth place SQ Chy, hailed the execution of the death penalty of SQC saying it has cleansed the guilt of Raozan, the native place of anti-British movement hero Surya Sen. They also distributed sweets.
People of Kundeshwari, Jagatmallpara and Unshattarpara, witnesses to the 1971 genocide, brought out victory procession and gathered at Raozan Sadar where they held a rally.
Meanwhile, activists of different political parties and cultural organizations, professional bodies, student organizations today brought out jubilant processions in different parts of the city and districts over execution of death sentence of SQ Chy.
Welcoming the death sentences, Gonojagoron Mancha in Chittagong also brought out procession from the Chittagong Press Club premises which terminated at Chittagong Central Shaheed Minar after parading through different city streets.
Paying tribute to the martyrs of the Liberation War, the Gonojagoron Mancha activists placed wreaths at the Shaeed Minar and held a rally there.
They also thanked Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for execution of death sentences to free the nation of the stigma.
Welcoming the execution of the death sentences Bangladesh Awami League (AL) and its front organizations also brought out processions in different parts of the city. Md Ismail, a freedom fighter said that many Hindu families as well as families of freedom fighters had to leave the area after 1975 fearing SQ Chowdhury’s atrocities.
“Salauddin Quader’s role in 1971 is a shame for the people of Raozan. He was an extreme Hindu-hater,” freedom fighter Shafiqul Anwar of Raozan’s Mohammadpur told journalists.
Shafiqul Islam, president of Awami League’s Raozan unit said Raozan’s pride of being the native place of the anti-British hero Surya Sen has so far been somewhat overshadowed by the misdeeds of SQ Chy.