Ctg journos vow to continue crusade against militancy, terrorism

Chittagong Bureau :
Chittagong journalists on Saturday vowed to continue their war against militancy and terrorism across the country. They said a vested quarter wants Bangladesh as a dysfunctional country through terrorism, militancy and brutal killing but their dream would not be fulfilled in this holy soil.
“The mass media must show zero compromise against militancy and communalism in order to protect democracy, advancement and sovereignty of the country”, the said. The journalists said this while addressing a rally and human chain against militancy held at Chittagong Press Club (CPC) premises.
As a part of the programme of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ), Chittagong Union of Journalists (CUJ) organised the rally and human chain with CUJ president Reaz Haidar Chowdhury in the chair.
Addressing the rally the journalists urged the guardians and educational institutions to look over the movement of their children and students so that they cannot be misled.
Conducted by CUJ Joint-Secretary Swarup Bhattacharya, the rally was addressed, among others, by vice president of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) Shahidul Alam, BFUJ joint Secretary General Tapan Chakoroborti, CUJ General Secretary (GS) Mohammad Ali, former CPC president Ali Abbas, Senior Vice President Abul Monsur and Joint Secretary Chowdhury Farid, former CUJ president Mostak Ahmed and former CUJ GS Nirmol Chandra Das.