Ctg faces fire accidents almost everyday


Breaking out a fire is a common accident in the port city now-a-days. Every day, fire guts assets, houses etc here in Chittagong. The fire incidents are increasing in the dry season alarmingly.
The assets worth Tk 60,50,38,318 (sixty crore fifty lakh thirtyeight thousand three hundred and eighteen) were damaged in fire incidents in the last one year in the city.
Of the total loss, assets of Tk 5,93,58,192 were gutted in 18 fire accidents in garment factories in the port city, sources in Fire Service and Civil Defence said.
Sources said, on October 13 last, one factory named Mitali Textile at Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) in the port city gutted in a fire. The loss in the fire could not be confirmed by the concerned authorities, but, locals suspected that it might be several crores of taka.
On the other hand, on August 26 last, another factory named Al Hamidia Textile at Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) gutted in a fire. The locals suspected the loss to be 50 crore taka.
Sources said, despite the directives of the government, there is no adequate fire management system at the factories of CEPZ and other EPZ in the port city Chittagong.
Besides, fire accidents in Chittagong are happening almost every day in the dry season. But, due to the lack of water, or sources of water like ponds are inadequate in the port city, the fire fighters turn undone in to control any fire.
Sources said, in maximum cases, the fire suspected to be originated from oven, electric short circuit, use of open lamps, blast of gas cylinders etc.
In last year, a total of 2,654 fire related accidents were occurred in Chittagong. Of those, maximum fire accidents were occurred from electric short circuits. A total of 1,118 accidents of fire originated from electric short circuit happened last year. A total of 339 accidents of fire originating from burning cigarettes, 339 accidents of fire from gas oven were occurred in 2015.
Deputy Director of Fire Service and Civil Defense in Chittagong (Zone-1) Mohammed Abdul Malek said, most of the accidents of fire were originated from electric short circuit, gas oven etc.
Particularly, the loose connection, low quality of electrical goods etc are the causes of the electric short circuit while negligence of the concerned persons is also very much there.
Mohammed Abdul Malek further said, Fire Service and Civil Defence is regularly arranging the awareness programs to save the city dwellers and citizens from the fire. We use to provide training to the garment factories for controlling the fire.
If any garment factory pay taka 16500 to the Fire Service and Civil Defence, we will arrange two-day-long training for their workers.” “At present, in the fire accidents, the life casualties are decreased but asset damage is yet to be minimized.
