Crossfire, Encounter Against The Norms Of Democracy


In October 2002, Begum Khaleda Zia, the then Prime Minister of Bangladesh ordered a countrywide indefinite joint operation against terrorism consisting of 40,000 police, paramilitary and military forces. Many Bangladeshi wanted such an operation, as the country was facing increasing law and order problems. The government was left with no alternative but to call in the Army to aid civil administration. The main objective of the operation was to control the escalating crime rate and recover illegal arms, which had proliferated to an alarming extent in the society. The operation was kept confidential to prevent the existing politicians-criminal nexus from derailing the original objectives of the exercise. The joint operation appeared impartial and neutral with political leaders and activists from both the BNP and the opposition parties being targeted. Until end November 2002, about 5,000 persons had been arrested, including politicians, criminals and others involved in terrorist activities. The army seized firearms, cartridges, cash, gold, illegal passports and latest weapons including Kalashnikov (AK-47). In the terror prone southwestern districts of Kushtia, Meherpur and Chuadanga, the government was pursuing its drive earnestly where at least six outlawed parties with 4,000 armed cadres were active. In the past one-year alone more than 200 people were killed and frequent cases of abduction, robbery, rapes, murder and other crimes were recorded. The business sector welcomed that operation considering they were the worst affected due to deteriorating law and order situation and were prominent targets for rampant extortion. That anti-criminal action was started on the 17th October 2002 as a drive against growing crime; continuing deterioration in law and order, rise in criminal activity, murder, rape and acid throwing. The army took the lead. Operation Clean Heart is still considered one of the most controversial anti-crime operations in the South Asian subcontinent.
In the current scenario, major reason of human rights violation is the involvement of non-civilian institutions in civil administration in a democratically governed country. In reality, the situation has worsened by the fact that civil administration is in the hard work of legitimizing the crimes such as extra judicial killings, deaths in custody resulted by torture and human rights violations committed during the Operation. Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) fears that this action will have serious consequences on the democratic institutions and poses a sever threat to the democracy in Bangladesh. The situation seems to be indicating towards the use of state institutions in eliminating political rivalry. Countries with the worst human rights record have some basic indicators that deny individuals of their basic legal rights. AHRC is deeply concerned about such operations and in the light of rights guaranteed by the constitution of the republic; AHRC voices the following concerns of the people of Bangladesh and of the international community.
The Article 11 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh states that; “The Republic shall be a democracy in which fundamental human rights and freedoms and respect for the dignity and worth of the human person shall be guaranteed [and in which effective participation by the people through their elected representatives in administration at all levels shall be ensured].” Yet even there had been numerous reports of serious human rights violations such as extra judicial killings, deaths in custody, torture and arbitrary action by the military during this operation.
Corruption is emerging at a very dramatic pace in our country. The evil power was sitting on the throne of power and making loud noises. This situation is moving forward in both administration and politics. In such administrative cases, officials with hundred-transparency are left behind. In this case, dishonest and corrupt officials are occupying the top position in terms of rank. And from this situation the administrative crisis begins. This administrative crisis gradually begins to contaminate the political arena as well. Now let’s come to a different context – such as the anti-drug campaign. Drugs are not produced in our country. Even then the young people of our society are addicted to drugs, so where is the source of this drug? Of course, do drugs come from outside our country without any institutional support? If we know this situation and take action accordingly, the problem will be solved. Why do we lack that sincerity or willpower? Let’s come to the murder of retired Major Sinha. Most recently, he was brutally killed by members of the Teknaf police force. The massacre has become a hot topic in contemporary Bangladesh. Such killings are happening frequently in different parts of the country. Sometimes the fruit dealer, the fisherman, any other trader, any ordinary worker or any peasant is being victimized by the police member. As a member of a force, how the lives of the people are being ruined by such atrocities is really regrettable. Certainly in an unfair environment it has been possible or is happening. Why such professionalism is being insulted by the police force? Recently we very often hear about creating a gap between the management and a section of junior police officers. Even police inspectors are becoming the owners of ample wealth. How is this possible? It is possible in any supportive environment. However, the Home Minister has assured of bringing these irregularities to notice. Even the Prime Minister has spoken of zero tolerance in this murder. If the army is for zero tolerance, why is it not in other cases? But surely things will be taken seriously. Today the police deserved greetings for corona crisis. They do a lot of good work. Their role during the Corona crisis was eye-catching. However, the moral degradation of human beings in society is due to lack of good governance. The state should be aware of bad governance and corruption in various institutions. But the biggest thing is – all organizations need to focus on their own work, giving people priority over their self-criticism. Otherwise, it is not easy to unravel this entanglement of the society without self-interest. In this case, it is necessary to change the existing law. How much can do one Hon’ble Sheikh Hasina? How sincerely do people close to her or support her? If government plays the fair role by her activities towards people, there will be a congenial atmosphere to achieve and fulfill our vision and mission of 2030 and 2041 respectively. Moreover people with their patriotic zeal and deal will contribute and organize prompt or speedy action of self-reliance Bangladesh.

(Dr. Forqan is former DDG of Bangladesh Ansar & VDP)
