Dharla River erosion: Croplands devoured in Lalmonirhat

UNB, Lalmonirhat :
With the rainy monsoon season underway, the Dharla River has grown violent against its banks in Kulaghat-Mogholhat union of Sadar upazila.
In previous three days, the river devoured several croplands of the area, creating panic among the locals.
Currently water level in the river is increasing constantly. The river gets more violent at night forcing people to spend sleepless nights on its banks. Hundreds of homesteads, including educational institutions, are now under threat of being eroded.
Water Development Board (WDB) expressed fear that Itapota flood control embankment, Shiberkuti Market, BGB Camp, Mogholhat Bazar, Mogholhat Railway Station, Lalmonirhat-Mughalhat regional highway could soon be devoured by the river.
Meanwhile, a culvert collapsed in Wapda Bazar area of Kulaghat union few days ago. The authority is yet to normalise transportation system on the road. As a result, commuters are risking their lives by crossing the area on boat.
However, a resident of the area said he had to transfer his house six times because of river erosion. This year, his homestead is also under threat of disappearing into the river. But he is yet to receive any relief material from the government.
He urged the authorities to take effective steps to check river erosion.
Executive Engineer of Lalmonirhat Water Development Board Ariful Islam said the area experienced widespread erosion because of increased water flow in the Dharla.
An application seeking a fresh project during crisis period has been sent to the higher authorities, he added.