Cristiano Ronaldo Manchester United transfer confirmed?


Agency :
Cristiano Ronaldo’s return to Manchester United took a gigantic step on Monday evening, when a Spanish soccer journalist confirmed that the Portuguese forward wanted to leave Real Madrid and that he is pining to go back to Old Trafford.
Real Madrid’s former chairman, Jose Calderon, has also joined in the discussion about Ronaldo’s future and he’s revealed that the disillusioned Portuguese superstar is “fed up” at the club and wants a transfer.
Calderon has now declared:”When I signed him in 2009, I remember he said he was grateful to Manchester United. He had a marvelous time there, he likes everything. It is a really great club.”
He then went on to make the assertion that he feels Ronaldo is looking to move, and he then blamed the man who followed him as chairman in Madrid.
Calderon’s view was then echoed by Guillem Balague, who is a soccer journalist in the country. Balague told Sky Sports that Ronaldo “dreams of returning to Manchester United and that everything is in place for the move to happen.” This means that United are fully aware of Ronaldo’s interest and they have already set up the funds to make it happen.
