Crisis in bell metal industry

AS per a daily, the bell metal artisans in Chapainawabganj live a life of hardship as the once demanding glossy utensils made of bronze for everyday use and artful decoration have decreased due to availability of cheap and handy ceramic household articles. The chiming sound from many-a-road in the district is not buzzing the ear in this 21st Century as many artisans have left their ancestral profession of crafting bell metal. Once the district town had earned reputation for quality bell metal articles including plates and cups, but time changed that placed the traditional industry on the verge of extinction. Its sound are falling silent. Many artisans have left their profession and the next generation is not coming to the industry that is making the industry unviable.

We believe it is part of our heritage and the nation must do everything to protect the dying industry as an example of our rich past culture and history. In this context, many believe that the concerned government ministry and other agencies should come forward to sustain the dying industry from extinction by popularizing the metal artworks for household use, decoration and export.


Industry sources said prices of raw materials, including different categories of metals used for producing the articles and the higher cost of labour have mainly contributed to the slow dying of the industry. Besides, the poor market access of the traditional products at home and abroad is marginalizing the industry and the small community still running the trade. People are more attracted by fashionable plastic, ceramic, steel and melamine goods instead. The craftsmen are leaving the profession as it is hard to make a living with bell metal now. None among the younger generation are taking up the profession for survival which is also another reason for decaying the brightness of the brass and bronze in the country. Some people still glued to the industry as the industry once made their family reputed. In addition to the crises of customers and rising costs, there is now also a growing crisis in finding expertise in the craft due to a lack of up-and-coming artisans.

The government must listen to what the remaining artisans in the profession say to keep the industry alive. Many non-government organizations may also extend a helping hand in promoting new products and find markets for these items. This industry create job for people in need of jobs.
