Credit flow to SMEs on rise

Abu Sazzad :
The credit flow to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) during the first quarter (January to March) of the current year 2015 increased by 19.33 per cent from the same period of the previous year.
According to a Bangladesh Bank data, during the first quarter of the current year all financial institutions disbursed SME loan amounting to Tk 26,140.08 crore while it was Tk 21,905.89 crore in corresponding period of the last year.
So far, the SME loan has been distributed among 210,800 entrepreneurs across the country, 24.99 per cent of the target. Bangladesh Bank has set the SME loan disbursement target of Tk 104,586.49 crore for the current year.
According to the data, the highest Tk 16,394.61 crore went to the business sector while the service and industrial sector got Tk 2,989.80 crore and 6,755.67 crore respectively.
Bangladesh Bank’s Deputy Governor SK Sur Chowdhury said, “We have been asking the scheduled banks to give emphasis on increasing credit supply to the SME sector.”
The SME credit will encourage the new entrepreneurs to operate their business smoothly, he said. The SME loan disbursement would have been more if the political unrest did not prevail in the first quarter of the year, he said.
The role of SMEs is vital for overall economic growth of any country. With the help of SMEs, Bangladesh has set targets to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, and improve gender equality and women empowerment issues by providing more job opportunities to youths, said Sukumol Sinha Chowdhury, SME Consultant of Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM).
 “SME development can reduce the economic disparity from the society, so we have to ensure adequate financial support for the entrepreneurs”, said Sukumol Sinha.
The BB’s SME and Special Programmes Department General Manager Swapan Kumar Roy said that the entrepreneurs would be able to get available SME loans from the banks and non-bank financial institutions as the financial sector are now enjoying sufficient liquidity.
The central bank is giving special attention to available SME loan flow to woman entrepreneurs, the official said.