Creative Method Teachers Need To Attain Expertise


Wares Ali Khan & Faruk Hossain :
Creative question method in the recent curricula of our education system is now a widely discussed issue all over the country. This is often criticized as there is a lack of expert teachers who are satisfactorily familiar with this type of creative education system. The prerequisite of assuring the quality of education is to deploy the right set of teaching faculty. There should be no choice for those who are no longer deservingly qualified. Teaching profession should be invigorated, ever competitive, status-bound and equally attractive. Recruiting qualified teaching staff should be a top priority to impart quality education. Therefore, a comprehensive scheme for preparing quality teachers is necessary to undertake like the initiatives of fostering medical and engineering talents on an institutional basis. That means the entity of a certain institution needs to exist in the country where a person can be made a quality teacher by choice and the institution will serve by propagating competent teaching staff.
Therefore, a massive teachers’ training scheme particularly for secondary and higher secondary level is essential and urgent. To be precise, the learning outcome based education system in the country needs to have a greater degree of concentration in this regard. Serving with merely a result sheet matters no more, but what really matters is to have the attitude for learning with a willing mindset and for the quest of knowledge in a deliberate way. Therefore, rote learning should be uprooted, language aptitude and to focus on some core skills should be promoted.
True education impartation should comprise comprehension, conceptualization, understanding and practical application as well. But the young minds have already been transposed as examinees rather than learners. Now, students are solely seen to memorize texts having no enthusiasm in learning something new and encouraging knowledge. That is why rendering education should be exciting, and a catalyst for unfolding facts and inner power.
Young talents perceptibly tend to fulfill the BCS cadre choice form letting education cadre at the bottom of the choice list. Our emerging youth calibers should be engaged in the teaching profession giving education cadre the highest priority in cadre choice. To make this aspiration come true, they must have to enjoy the befitting status and privilege, and of course to be well-paid. Only then the worthy talents will prioritize teaching as their first career path.
Education sector must be free from the backstairs-influence of bureaucracy and red tapes. Among all other existing cadres, education cadre officers have to be necessarily more deserving, skilled and talented in regard to knowledge and expertise. Moreover, other than education cadre officers, none should be absorbed in administering education. To cope up with the education-administration, they have to be well-trained and properly tuned-up. A very functional ‘Education Commission’ is required to constitute in a bid to sustain quality education and superintend gross education status of the country.
There are two distinct ministries known as the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education and the Ministry of Education in the country. This dual ministerial paradigm is unforeseen in the arena of education both in secular and non-secular states across the globe. So, merging these two separate ministries into one entity is proportionately substantial.
There is a construct of national professorship in the country and this concept, so far, is relatively free from speculations and questions. Such learned and experienced professors can be the incumbents as technocrats in the Ministry of Education. Other departments, directorates concerned with education might be operated by those qualified teachers who will remain free from the involvement with certain political parties and work independently for spreading education throughout the country in a paralleled manner.
Educational sector must not be a domain of fulfillment of the political will. Rather this sector has to be the manifesto of the state for its citizens to create worthy human capital. Working in the education sector should be shaped more appealing than any other job in the country. Besides being a teacher should be made the first preference among the young graduates. The sole job of the teachers has to be imparting knowledge and the learners should be absolute learners. They may have different opinions and variant views regarding existing political ideologies, but in respect of education they must have the same soul.
Rendering education should be flattened, utility-bound and mass-oriented within the nation. Local educationists, education philanthropists and stakeholders need to be engaged in the development discourses and initiatives in order to promote education as a concern for shared responsibility. A community based education approach- wherever it may concern, should be pursued. In collaboration with the education think-tanks a ground-based action plan for the promotion of education might be adopted.
To redirect our entire education onto the desired state, concerned quarters should come up with the necessary measures that our education sector earnestly looks for.

(Mr. Khan is teaching professional and Hossain is corporate executive)
