Create skilled technologists to build Digital BD : President


Keeping in mind to build “Digital Bangladesh”, President M Abdul Hamid asked the universities and others concerned to create efficient and specialized technology experts to face the challenges of the Fourth Industrialization Revolution (4IR) and cyber risks.
“Bangladesh has to face a big challenge of facing the Fourth Industrialization Revolution (4IR) and cyber risks . . . So we have to build skilled and specialized technologists to face these,” he said this on Wednesday while addressing the concluding session of the six-day Digital Service Design and Planning Lab at the Osmani Smrity Auditorium here.
The President asked the University Grants Commission (UGC) and universities for quick implement ion of “Integrated University Information Management Platform”, including introducing “e-Governance,” at all universities in line with the Digital Bangladesh concept of the incumbent government.
The head of the state added: “If this uniform management platform can be introduced at universities properly, it will help expedite overall activities of universities . . . Then the environment of transparency and accountability will be created.”
He observed that if the ‘Uniformed University Management Software and Integrated University Information Management Platform’ can be used properly at 157 universities in Bangladesh, all students, teachers, researchers, officials and guardians will be benefitted.
“It will be able to save money and time as well,” Abdul Hamid added.
Terming the information technology as a very useful tool for life, the President said digital Bangladesh is not merely a dream but a really indeed.
Since 2018, Bangladesh has been working to reach digital services under the able leadership of Digital Bangladesh Architect Sajeeb Wazed Joy, the prime minister’s ICT adviser said , adding that “Due to the direct directives, advice and supervision, it has now become possible to reach the government’s services to the people’s doorsteps.’
