Holy Ramzan: Create a peaceful human society

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Islam calls for the unity of the Muslim Ummah. But it does not confine itself in the unity of the Muslims only. It also calls for the fraternity and solidarity of the mankind. Unity of Muslims is a step towards the integrity and
solidarity of mankind. There should not be any mis-conception regarding the integrity and solidarity of the Muslims and at the same time the fraternity of humanity.
Mis-interpretation, mis-presentation and vilification of the sublime image of universal Islam has done much harm. These have gone against the cherished goal of the solidarity and peace of entire mankind.
The Holy Quran reveals : “Mankind was one single nation, … “(Sura Baqara 2:213, The Holy Quran : Translation and Commentary by A. Yusuf Ali)
“Mankind was but one nation,/ But differed (later…).” (Sura Yunus 10: 19, Do)
A. Yusuf Ali comments : “All mankind was created one, and God’s Message to mankind is in essence one, the Message of Unity and Truth. But as selfishness and egotism got hold of man, certain differences sprang up between individuals, races, and nations, and in His infinite Mercy. He sent them messengers and messages to suit their varying mentality, to test them by His gifts, and stir them up to emulation in virtue and piety.”
The Holy Quran reveals, “But (later generations) cut off/ Their affair (of unity),/ One from another : (yet)/ Will they all return to Us.” (Sura Ambiya 21:93)
A. Yusuf Ali comments : “God’s Message was and ever is one ; and His Messengers treated it as one. It is people of narrower views who come later and trade on the earlier names, that break up the Message and the Brotherhood into jarring camps and sects.”
So, there should not be any conflicting distinction and discrimination among ‘one nation’ of humanity, proclaimed by the Quran.
Division and conflict in the human race in any name is categorically condemned, rejected and forbidden by the Quran. Quran says, “Let there be no compulsion in religion ” (Sura Baqara 2:256, Do) “To you be your way, and to me mine.” (109:6, Do)
These verses ordain us the responsibility of behaving well with the members of other communities. This is the principle of co-existence to create a peaceful human society.
Rasulullah (SM) said, “All creatures of Allah from the family of Allah and he/she is the best loved by Allah who loves best his creatures. ” He also said, “O Lord! I affirm that all human beings are brothers unto one another.”
Ramzan imbibes us to prepare for our ordained responsibility to forge Muslim unity as well as to contribute for the integrity and solidarity of mankind.
In this context, it should be transparent that the concept of ‘Jihad’ is not against the concept of universal brotherhood of humanity. ‘Jihad’ teaches the Muslims to fight against inhuman aggressors and oppressors to protect peace-loving people.