CRB must be protected at any cost: Nagarik Samaj


Chattogram Bureau :
Ignoring natural calamities and heavy rains, the conscious citizens of Chittagong gathered at all levels to protect the life-rich Chittagong CRB. The agitating organization Civil Society held a sit-in program as part of a series of movements to protect the city’s lung-known CRB on Friday.
Mofizur Rahman, co-chairman of the civil society Chittagong, General Secretary of the South District Awami League, said the CRB is an integral part of Chittagong’s history, heritage and culture.
Human consciousness, ignoring the vision of the new generation, if a hospital is built in CRB, environmental pollution will occur and the natural environment and cultural belt of the entire CRB area will be threatened.
There can be no development by destroying the natural beauty. CRB must be protected in the interest of Chittagong.Speaking as the chief guest, he said that it is the profiteers who want a hospital in CRB.
The CRB will be protected at any cost, the movement to protect the CRB is a humanitarian movement to protect the environment.
Advocate Ibrahim Hossain Chowdhury Babul, Member Secretary of Civil Society Chittagong, presided over the function.
