Ferry ghats, highways: Crackdown on extortionists soon: Minister

Staff Reporter :
The criminals involved in extortion in highways and at ferry ghats have been identified, said Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal.
 “Based on intelligence reports, the extortionists have been identified,” he told journalists after a meeting on law and order at his Secretariat office on Thursday.  
The Home Minister categorically said that, “Whatever powerful the criminals or hoodlums are, they would not be spared. A crack down will be launched soon against them.”
He said Closed-circuit TV (CCTV) cameras have already been installed at different ferry ghats to maintain transport serial as well as to take video footage of the extortionists.
 “The administration has already taken strict security measures to stop extortion in the ferry ghat terminal areas,” Kamal said.
As rampant extortion is going on at Paturia-Daulatdia and Mawa-Kawrakandi ferry ghats, the owners and workers of transport and ferry services have expressed their utter disappointment and sought enhanced security measures to check the criminals.
The owners and workers of transport and ferry ghats alleged that some ruling party activists and local hoodlums have been collecting extortion from them at the ferry ghat counters.
Besides, policemen, ghat workers and activists of various political parties are collecting the money in the name of different welfare funds.
Even, the ferry and transport workers are frequently being assaulted by the extortionists, if they are not paid.
Though the government had earlier taken several preventive measures against extortion, the wide-scale extortion and harassment by criminals as well as a section of corrupt law enforcers are continuing.
The largest share of the extortion is reportedly collected at Daulatdia, Aricha, Nagarbari, Maowa and Kaorakandi ferry ghats of Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC).
Like the owners and workers of transport and ferry ghats, traders bringing goods by engine-run boats are not spared. They are forced to pay extra money to lease holders of different boat ghats for loading and unloading their goods.
Extortionist groups are always active in all most all ferry ghat areas to realise tolls. Apart from this, muggers and dope gangs are also active in the ferry ghat areas.