CPD to form citizen’s review commission on banking sector

Economic Reporter :
Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) has decided to set up ‘citizen’s review commission’ on banking in view of what it said the “deteriorating health” of the banking sector and the “inertia” of the government to address the problems pro-actively.
This was decided by the Board of Trustees (BoT) of the CPD at its 53rd meeting held on Tuesday in the city.
The commission will include eminent economists and experts, private sector representatives and former bankers and government officials, according to the civil society think tank.
The proposed citizen’s review commission on banking seeks to establish transparency regarding data and information on the sector, identify the root causes of the malaise, and, suggest remedial measures for the policymakers.
The Board approved the CPD’s plan for research, dialogue, publication and outreach-related activities for July-June 2019-2020. The meeting also approved the revised budget for the last six months of 2019.
Presided over by CPD Chairman Prof Rehman Sobhan, CPD, the Board meeting was attended by CPD Trustees former Finance Minister M Syeduzzaman, Chairman of Apex group Syed Manzur Elahi, Executive Director, CAMPE Rasheda K Choudhury, eminent jurist Dr Shahdeen Malik; Distinguished CPD Fellows Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya and Prof Mustafizur Rahman; and CPD Executive Director and Member-Secretary of CPD Board of Trustees Dr Fahmida Khatun.