CPB fears 1/11 like situation


Voicing concern over the exiting political deadlock, president of Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) Mujahidul Islam Selim on Sunday said intolerance of two major political parties — ruling Awami League and BNP-is taking the country towards the 1/11-like situation.”We had earlier raised concern about possible political violence. The violence will continue if the prolonged political crisis is not resolved. The main problem of our politics is stubbornness,” he told a BBC dialogue held at city’s Biam auditorium.Selim said, both the government and the opposition are responsible for the ongoing political instability as no force is willing to shun the path of confrontation.Food Minister Adv Quamrul Islam, BNP standing committee member Rafiqul Islam Miah and former caretaker government adviser Rasheda K Chowdhury also spoke at the dialogue as panelists.Mujahidul Islam Selim said the existing political deadlock must be resolved following the democratic principles, but Jamaat must be isolated by forcing BNP to part its company. “Above all we must reform the electoral system.”Quamrul Islam said if BNP had joined the January-5 polls, the results might have gone in its favour. “But BNP did not…they want to make Bangladesh a dysfunctional state. The outsourcing movement of BNP is not a movement at all,” he added.Rafiqul Islam Miah said both politicians and the government are responsible for the current political violence. “Cancellation of the caretaker government system is mainly responsible for that…its restoration is the only solution,” he said.
