CPA signs contract with UK for hydraulic survey of Karnafuli

Chattogram Bureau :
Chattogram Port Authority has entered into an agreement with HR Wallingford, a UK-based consulting firm, to conduct a hydraulic and hydrological survey of the Karnafuli River,.
UK High Commissioner in Bangladesh Robert Chatterton Dixon, Port Chairman Rear Admiral SM Abul Kalam Azad, and senior officials of the port and consulting firm were present at the signing ceremony of the Board Room of Bandar Bhaban on Tuesday last. UK diplomat hoped that through the survey of Karnafuli, a UK company would be able to play a constructive role in the port of Chattogram and the country’s economy.
He thanked the port authority for choosing Wallingford for such a survey.
The port chairman said the last such survey was conducted in 1981 around the Karnafuli river. On the basis of which various development and infrastructure construction plans of the port were adopted.
He hopes that the recommendations of the new survey will play a very helpful role in the future work plan of the Chattogram port around the Karnafuli river to address future economic challenges.