CPA must auction off unclaimed imported goods


WE are worried to learn that various types of imported goods worth Tk 4,573 crore have been kept at the Chattogram Seaport for four years, depriving the national exchequer around Tk 1,294 crore as revenue. Sources at the Chattogram Port Authority (CPA) said that these goods, imported between 2016 and 2019, were not delivered or claimed by any importer. Although the goods should have been auctioned off or destroyed by the Customs Authorities, no significant steps have been taken during the years to remove them.
According to a media report on Saturday, the matter was known from a recent letter of the Prime Minister’s office to the National Board of Revenue (NBR). In the letter, the causes of increasing number of containers in the Port as well as hindrances in holding the auction were reportedly mentioned. Currently, the auctionable containers at the Port include foods, plastic goods, cars, chemical and inflammable items, electronic goods, fabrics, paper, furniture, etc.  
What this means is that the country’s main seaport is now at risk of a deadly explosion anytime. The shed of the Port where the hazardous goods are kept lacks modern management for storing such goods for a long time. The current system through which these goods are delivered or auctioned off has serious limitations, said the Port sources.
Indeed, these problems need to be solved immediately if we do not want to experience any deadly explosion like that in Beirut, Lebanon, held recently.
The report further said that from 1991 to till-date as many as 9,000 auctionable containers are lying uncared at the Port. Many of the containers with perishable goods are spreading odor, creating environmental hazards in the seaport. It is learnt that the importers want to clear their goods through auction instead of paying tax as set by the Customs Authorities.
It is good to learn that the CPA has formed a committee to assess the current condition of different cargoes, including hazardous one, in the Port. We hope it will perform its duty properly, determine the period of storage and makes a list of goods that need to be auctioned off or destroyed immediately.
Since the CPA is a gateway to the country, its contribution is not only limited to value but also a good source of earning foreign currency. Thus, we want to see that through proper management it stimulates economic activity of the country.
