Covid test no longer needed for UAE-bound passengers


News Desk :
Passengers travelling to the UAE will no longer need to get anRT-PCR test done at airportssix hours before departure.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) has withdrawn the obligation to conduct the Covid test with effect from Tuesday, reports UNB.
On February 17, the National Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) on Covid-19 suggested removing the post-arrival test for travellers who got
 fully vaccinated at least 14 days before arriving in Bangladesh.
The committee had also suggested that unvaccinated passengers should take a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test 72 hours before boarding a plane.
As some countries no longer require travellers to take a pre-departure test, RT-PCRs should be subjected to the requirements of specific countries and airlines.
However, airlines have to ensure that the passengers carry their Covid-19 vaccination certificate with them, the NTAC had said.
