Covid Snippets


France to see 800,000 job losses in coming months

France is likely to suffer 800,000 job losses in coming months, the finance minister warned, as the economy reels from the effects of a lockdown.  
“Our evaluation is that 800,000 jobs will be lost in the coming months, or 2.8 percent of total employment,” Bruno Le Maire told a finance committee in parliament.
“The shock is considerable and calls for massive public policies to support and accompany all those affected,” Le Maire said.

Cases in Africa top 200,000

The number of COVID-19 cases in Africa has reached 202,782, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) said.
According to the latest data, 5,516 fatalities have been recorded in 54 countries so far, while recoveries have increased to 90,779.
The total number of active cases on the continent now stands at 106,487, Africa CDC said.
Pope expresses concern about children in poverty amid virus


Pope Francis has appealed for help to protect children who are being forced to work to help their families living in extreme poverty during the coronavirus pandemic.
Speaking from the Papal library at the Vatican during his weekly audience, the Pope said in some circumstances this amounted to child slavery or imprisonment.
Pausing from his prepared text, the Pope added: “We are all responsible for this.”
There have been 12 cases of COVID-19 among the employees and residents of the small Vatican city-state.

Malaysia to reopen schools in stages from June 24

Malaysia will begin reopening schools from June 24, its education minister said on Wednesday, as the country enters recovery mode after three months of strict curbs on movement and businesses to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Southeast Asia’s third-largest economy began lifting most coronavirus restrictions from Wednesday, after the government declared that the outbreak was under control.
