Covid may get weaker by March-April: Experts


Staff Reporter :
Scientists and public health experts said that the covid pandemic would be end soon as its latest variants are being weaker day by day.
They said that hundreds of thousands people have been infected with the virus meanwhile lots of the people have been inoculated with anti covid vaccines.
As a result huge anti-body and immunity have been created among the people. The hygienic measures followed by the people also a reason of ending the pandemic faster, they think.
On the other hand, the experts said the covid variants like the latest Omicron are found getting weaker day by day which are pushing the virus to the end.
Meanwhile, they also asked all to be more aware and follow hygienic rules so that the day of pandemic goes fast.
When contacted, public health expert Dr. Lenin Chowdhury told The New Nation on Saturday, “We surely hope that the covid would be end soon. But it is must to get more conscious so that we can prevent the third wave of the fatal virus. If we become unconscious and shun maintaining of the health safety rules, the spreading may get worse.”
The experts urged all to be more sincere on following the hygienic measures right now to get a better covid free era.
On the other hand, Dr KFM Ayaz, senior consultant (internal medicine) at Evercare Hospital, said while talking to a daily that coronavirus will get weaker day by day, and that is how this pandemic will probably end soon.
The professor said, although Covid-19 infections are on the rise in the country in recent days. But the virus may lose some of its severity in the coming months.
He said that the Spanish Flu died down although there was no vaccine, the coronavirus may also burn itself out with time and, of course, with vaccination efforts. The expert also expressed hope about decreasing death rate from covid infection. He said, the data showed the death rate is much lesser compared to the infection rate and the death rates in March and July last year. He said that many people have developed immunity against the virus, either from vaccination or immunity developed from Covid-19 recovery. “The death rate will not be as high as the previous waves, because a section of population has developed antibodies,” the expert said.
Meanwhile, noted scientist and Chairman of microbiology department of Gonobiswa Biddalaya, Professor Dr. Bijon Kumar Sil said that the covid infection may be decreased by March-April this year.
He said that the cold related disease like flu is the main reason to spreading the Omicron variant fast in Bangladesh. The professor said in a recent interview with the university journalists that the covid infection may reach in pick in the mid February.
Then the covid infection will decrease day by day, he opined. The expert said that the pandemic would be endemic or a country wide disease by September this year. “Nothing to be panicked about it,” he said.
Professor Julian Hiscox of Liverpool University, UK told the BBC that he thought that the pandemic is starting to an end. He said that we have reached at a final stage of ending the covid pandemic.
