Covid kills 10 more, infects another 339 in Bangladesh


Covid-19 in Bangladesh claimed 10 more lives and infected another 339 people in 24 hours till Monday morning.
The numbers of both death and infection marked a slight fall from Sunday when 16 Covid-related deaths and 314 cases were reported in 24 hours.
The daily-case positivity rate increased slightly to 1.80 per cent today from Monday’s 1.74 per cent.
With the fresh numbers, the Covid fatalities reached 27,778 while the caseload climbed to 1,565,827 in Bangladesh, according to the Directorate General of the Health services (DGHS).
Of the latest deceased, four were men and six were women.
On the 41st epidemiological week of pandemic from October 11 to October 17, 46 of the 80 deceased Covid patients had comorbidities.
Comorbidity means the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
The comorbidity rate in Covid related deaths in the country for the last seven days is 57.5 per cent.
However, the mortality rate remained static at 1.77 per cent compared to the same period.
Besides, the recovery rate rose slightly to 97.61 per cent, with 509 more patients getting cured during the period.
So far, 1,528,371 people have recovered from the deadly virus infections, the DGHS added.
