Covid cases to rise if testing is up


Reza Mahmud :
If Covid-19 test hiked, the infection rate also goes up.
It has been found from the data of the Directorate General of Health Services in last several days.
In this situation, Public Health Experts have suggested to increase number of tests to identify the real scenario of infection to take necessary actions.
The data showed that about 48 cases were found, while 285 samples were tested in the last 24 hours in Gazipur district.
It showed that about 115 cases were found while 448 samples were tested.
Meanwhile, about 59 cases were found after testing 341 samples on Wednesday.
In Rajshahi district, 359 cases were found after testing 1636 samples on Thursday.
On the other hand, about 334 infections were detected on Friday against testing 1591 samples.
In Khulna district, 226 cases were detected after testing 678 samples on Friday, while 181 patients were found against 656 tested samples.
In Madaripur, about 34 cases were found on Friday after testing 200 samples, while nine cases were detected on Thursday testing 40 samples.
In Jamalpur, a total of 21 patients were found after testing 95 samples on Friday, while it found 42 cases after testing 175 samples there.
“People are reluctant to test though rapid antigen tests are available in upazilla health complex. All these are having a cumulative effect in spreading Covid in the border districts,” Professor Dr. M. Muzaherul Huq, former Advisor of the World Health Organisation told The New Nation.
The professor said, “Border must be completely sealed. Upazilla health complexes in border districts must be prepared to diagnose, quarantine and isolate positive cases for early treatment and management.”
These must be prepared for effective contact tracing as well as early management of positive cases with rapid antigen tests, he suggested.
Meanwhile, Health Minister Zahid Maleque also expressed concern over surging of the covid cases.
He said that people are reluctant to test samples though the government announced free testing in those areas the infection are on rise sharply.
DGHS sources said that there are 528 laboratories across the country in public and private managements including RT-PCR, GenExpert and Rapid Antigen testing facilities.
The health minister on Friday said Covid patients are full in northern districts hospitals as Indian variant spreads seriously.
He said it while discussing with local leaders in his Manikgonj home. Experts and health officials blamed peoples’ ignorance of safety rules for increasing number of cases.
