Covid-19 in Bangladesh 32 more die, 2,131 new cases detected


The death toll from coronavirus in Bangladesh rose to 4,206 on Saturday with 32 new fatalities reported in the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, health authorities detected 2,131 new patients raising the total number of Covid-19 cases in the country to 3,08,925.
Alongside the growing number of deaths and infections, the rate of recovery has increased too as 2,027 patients cured from the disease in a day taking the number of total recoveries to 1,98,863.
Currently, the recovery rate is 64.37 percent.
RT-PCR facilities of the country tested 11,689 samples in the last 24 hours of which 18.23 percent were found positive.
Since March 8, 15,25,815 samples have been tested in the country and 20.25 percent of them turned out to be Covid-19 positive, said a press release from the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).
It said that the fatality rate in the country is 1.36 percent.
DGHS data show that 2,072 patients who died were above 60 years and 1,156 between 51 and 60 years. The death rate among other age groups is significantly low.
Since March 18, over 2,030 Covid-19 patients have died in Dhaka division, 920 in Chattogram, 279 in Rajshahi, 348 in Khulna, 165 in Barishal, 191 in Sylhet, 184 in Rangpur and 89 in Mymensingh division, said DGHS.
Across the country, 20,369 people are in isolation and 52,044 people are quarantined at present.
