CoUTA wants exemplary punishment of Hefazat


CoU Correspondent :
Comilla University Teachers’ Association (CoUTA) has demanded exemplary punishment of Hefazat-e-Islam for their nationwide violence including vandalism of various government and private establishments. The demand was published by a statement on Thursday,
Signed by the organization President Dr Md Shamimul Islam and General Secretary Dr Kazi Md Kamal Uddin, the statement says, on the occasion of celebrating golden jubilee of Bangladesh’s independence, world leaders including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to Bangladesh.
Several development agreements were signed with India at his arrival which will accelerate the development of the country. However, Hefazat-e-Islam has conspired to obstruct the progress of this development. They want to destroy the sovereignty, development and progress of the country wrecking the portrait of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
The statement also reads, CoUTA strongly condemn, protest and express deep concern over the arson, damage to state property, vandalism of Bangabandhu mural and radical violence of Hefazat-e-Islam across the country.These activities of Hefazat-e-Islam are against the values of the Liberation War.
