Court orders to freeze accounts of Khokon’s family


Staff Reporter :
A court in Dhaka yesterday directed to freeze the bank accounts of Farhana Alam, wife of Sayeed Khokon, former mayor of Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC), and his sister Shahana Hanif.
According to Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) sources in court, the order was passed by Dhaka Senior Special Judge KM Imrul Kayes on Monday.
The ACC sources said out of the 8 bank accounts instructed to freeze – 3 accounts are for business establishments. Besides, there a bank account of Sayeed Khokon’s mother, his sister has two, and wife Farhana Alam has two accounts.
On the same day, the investigating officer Jalal Uddin Ahmed, the deputy director of the ACC, appealed to block the bank accounts. The judge then granted the petition.
The investigating officer said in his petition that an “unusually large sum of money” had been transacted in those bank accounts. Bank accounts need to be blocked on an urgent basis to ensure that money cannot be withdrawn, transferred or transferred from bank accounts if the allegation needs to be properly investigated.
He further said in the petition that the accused had tried to transfer money from those bank accounts, which has come up in the investigation. Transfer or transfer of such movable property till the disposal of the grievance will cause a huge loss to the state.
