Court orders FIR against PM Nawaz, 10 others

block, Islamabad :An additional sessions judge has ordered the Secretariat police to register a case against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and 10 others while disposing of a petition filed by Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) over the alleged killing of three political activists on August 30.The party had approached the Secretariat police station to register a First Information Report (FIR) on the matter against Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, Chaudhry Nisar, Khawaja Asif, Saad Rafique, IG Islamabad, Deputy Commissioner Islamabad, IG Railways and three others over the incidents of August 30 that led to the deaths of three people during the protests by PTI and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) in the federal capital.PTI had filed the request days after the August 30 violence but following the police’s failue to register a case, the party had approached the sessions court under clause 22-A of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) for redress.Additional sessions judge Shahrukh Arjumand issued the order today, directing the police to register an FIR against the prime minister and 10 others.Today’s order comes days after the capital police registered a criminal case against the prime minister, some federal ministers and police officials under an order issued by a district and sessionscourt over the alleged killing of PAT workers on August 30.The court had done so while disposing of a petition filed by the party and had directed the police to follow the law after which the police registered the case under Section 7 of the ATA and PPCs 302, 324, 148, 149.The night of August 30 saw violence during the protests led by PTI and PAT in Islamabad against the government of Nawaz Sharif which they regard as one formed as a result of an allegedly rigged election. The capital city’s high security area, the Red Zone, resembled a battlefield at the time as marchers from the PTI and PAT, en route to the Prime Minister’s House clashed with security personnel.
