Couple found dead in Chittagong

Police recovered the bodies of a Hindu priest and his wife from a local temple in Satkania upazila of Chittagong on Tuesday morning (Oct 10).
The deceased was identified as Swapan Dey, 60 and his wife Chinu Dey, 47.
Rafiqul Islam, officer-in-charge of Satkania police station, told Banglanews that, on information, police recovered the bodies from a small temple in Fakirkhil Hindupara area of Purangaj union.
No injury marks were found in the bodies. It is suspected that the priest committed suicide. A pack of saline solution was found hanging beside his wife’s body, which suggests that she was probably sick, he added.
In response to a query, the OC said, from the information provided by locals, the dead priest, with his wife and two children, have been living in the area for 10-12 years. Local Hindus made a small temple where they used to pray. The priest also borrowed money from locals.
“We made a list of 12-14 people who lent money to the priest mounting around Tk 10-12 lakh. It is possible that he committed suicide due to frustration of being indebted.”
The priest had a pet monkey locked in a cage. However, it was not found, he added.
