Countrywide demo today Fresh 72-hr hartal begins


Staff Reporter :The BNP-led 20-party alliance will bring out mass procession across the country today (Sunday) to press home their demands, including fresh election under a non-party government system. The procession will be brought out in the districts, upazilas, municipalities and thanas. Besides, the alliance’s new spell of 72-hour countrywide hartal will begin from today morning alongside the ongoing blockade programme. Beginning from 6:00 am, the hartal will continue till 6:00 am on Wednesday if it is not extended further as the alliance did several times.BNP Joint-Secretary General Salahuddin Ahmed, on behalf of the alliance, in a statement on Friday announced the programmes of hartal and the mass procession. The programmes were also called for protesting killings, enforced disappearances, abductions, and crippling of the opposition men by the law enforcers and ruling party cadres, mass arrest and filing of false cases against the 20-party leaders and workers.The BNP-led alliance enforced countrywide hartal on all working days in the month of February. The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and its equivalent examinations, which were due to start from February 2, are being held on weekends due to the hartal.Salahuddin Ahmed in another statement on Saturday urged the leaders and workers of the 20-party alliance to make the countrywide mass procession and hartal a success. He also asked the government to accept their demands.
