Country’s fastest growing furniture farm ISHO enters Ctg

Business Desk :
On the back of a very successful quarter, innovative and disruptive furniture brand ISHO announced its entry into Chattogram on Monday. ISHO, which has an offline and online presence in Dhaka, will now be offering Chittagonians the chance to buy furniture designs that are not only modern and sleek, but also aesthetically beautiful.
ISHO, who already has over 600 products of 14 distinct categories, will give customers in Chattogram ample choice when it comes to residential or office furniture. The company’s core design philosophy is based on bridging the gap on what’s desired in modern living and what is available in the market. One of the main selling points of ISHO which has won over many customers to date is by introduction to collections that are inspired by global locations and designs, said a press release.
By providing furniture to all rooms and tastes — from the Living, Dining, Bedroom, Study and office — the company is hoping to bring about a newly found appreciation to both first time and existing buyers in Chattogram.
The success of ISHO till date comes from its designs and concepts and above all understanding how people live and use space; from introducing innovative products such as their Smart Series collection and Bluetooth Ottoman to developing ground-breaking concepts such as DormBox which provides co-living solutions. In addition, ISHO has their own Design Studio which is a one-stop destination that offers interior design solutions to people. Both DormBox and Design Studio will also be launched and available to customers in Chattogram.
In order to meet demands, ISHO will be opening a dedicated warehouse in the city and will also be ensuring robust customer satisfaction and services in place from the start. With COVID-19, all Chattogram service executives are equipped with PPE, sanitisers and masks. Besides, all the necessary distancing protocols will be adhered to which should ensure peace of mind to all customers.