Country receives $1.13b remittance in November

Economic Reporter :
The country received $1.13 billion remittance in November while it was $1.09 billion in October.
Country’s remittance inflow rose by 3.5 per cent in November turning back from the sharp fall of 19.42 per cent in October, according to the latest data of Bangladesh Bank.
The devaluation of local currency against dollar boosted the remittance inflow, said a senior official of Bangladesh Bank.
The exchange rates of dollar came to the highest Tk78.94 in November from Tk77.80 in October, according to the central bank data.
The remittance inflow was in slower pace over the last several months due to depreciation of foreign currency.
Bangladesh Bank has devalued the local currency to support remitters and exporters, said a senior executive of a private commercial bank.
The total remittance the expatriates sent in November was slightly lower than $1.18bn in the same month of the last year.