Country now state of security agencies: Fakhrul

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Saturday accused the government of turning Bangladesh into a state of security agencies using law enforcers to perpetuate its power. “Police have assaulted and beat a city corporation official and sought toll money from him. Not only that, the police official involved in the incident also made an arrogant comment that hilsa is the king of fish, while police is the king of the state,” said BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
Speaking at a discussion, he further said, “The country has been turned into a state of security agencies snatching people’s all rights. No one, including politicians, common people, intellectuals and workers, has any right in the country. Only the ruling party and their machinery have the all rights.”
Jubo Jagpa, the youth wing of Jatiya Ganotantrik Party, arranged the discussion at the auditorium of Photo Journalists Association at the city’s Purana Paltan, marking its 26th founding anniversary.
Referring to another recent assault on Bangladesh Bank official Golam Rabbi by a police officer in the city’s Mohammadpur area, Fakhrul said people are being continuously tortured and harassed in such a way. “This is the country’s real scenario now.”
The BNP leader urged the government to shun its arrogant attitude and restore a democratic atmosphere in the country by holding a fair election through talks. Or else, he warned, “People must wake up someday, and you (govt) won’t find any way to suppress their spontaneous resistance. So, come out of the policy of holding the national election under a party government and eschew your desire to hang onto power.”
Fakhrul alleged that the ruling party men are indulging in widespread plundering of public money from every sector for lack of democracy and accountability. “There’s no sector from which the ruling party men are not looting public money and siphoning off those abroad. Newspapers report that Tk 77,000 crore has been laundered during the last fiscal year.”
He said common people are now in a miserable condition due to continuous hike in the prices of daily essentials and utility services. “We must forge a national unity and put up a strong resistance against this regime to overcome this situation. Otherwise, the country’s existence will be at stake.”