Country now a death valley: BNP


UNB, Dhaka :BNP on Sunday alleged that the government has turned the entire country into a death valley by killing political leaders and activists and making them disappeared.”The entire country is now a death valley due to the indiscriminate killings and forced disappearances of political leaders and activists. We want to get rid of the situation,” said BNP joint secretary general Barkat Ullah Bulu.The BNP leader brought the allegation at a press conference at the Jatiya Press Club in the city.Laxmipur district unit BNP organised the press conference demanding that its local leader and Union Parishad chairman Omar Faruk be found out as he has reportedly remained missing since plainclothes police picked him up from the house of one of his relatives in Chittagong on February 4.Buulu urged the government to put an end to the culture of forced disappearance and extrajudicial killing, saying that they want the guarantee of a normal death.The BNP leader recalled that the opposition leaders and activists and dissidents had also been made disappeared in the same way during 1973-1974.”At that time noted journalist Nirmal Sen used to write a column in a newspaper titled ‘Want the guarantee of normal death’. The same condition is now prevailing in the country. The opposition leaders and activists are being made disappeared and illegally killed in crossfire,” he said adding, “We demand the government stop such incidents of killing and disappearance.”Bulu warned that they will topple the government through a vigorous movement if it does not stop the incidents of extrajudicial killing and forced disappearance.Addressing the press conference, Laxmipur district unit BNP president and former MP Abul Khayer Bhuiyan said the victim family members, leaders and activists of the party are now passing days in anxiety after Omar Faruk was made disappeared.
