Country getting rid of curse with war crimes trial: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Recalling that the atrocities of war criminals were endless, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday said the country is gradually getting rid of the curse with the holding of their trial and the execution of court verdicts.
“Bangladesh, I think, was under a curse for a long time for not holding the trial of the war criminals. By holding the trial of the war criminals and executing of the court verdicts, the country is now gradually getting rid of that curse,” she said. The Prime Minister was delivering her
 valedictory speech of the eighth session of the 10th Parliament.
Sheikh Hasina noted that the country will never get rid of the curse fully if the trial of the war criminals is not completed.
The Prime Minister said her government has started the trial of the war criminals and executing the court verdicts.
Talking about the scale of crimes of the war criminals during the country’s Liberation War in 1971, she said, “Their crimes were endless.”
She recalled that these evils had handed mothers and sisters over to Pakistani occupation forces, killed them and massacred millions of people. “And even infants couldn’t escape their persecution.”
“With this trial, I think, those who are still alive with deep pain in their hearts losing their near and dear ones during the Liberation War will get a little bit of peace and solace thinking that they’re getting justice,” Hasina said.