Country achieves remarkable success in agriculture

BSS, Rajshahi :
.Agriculture Secretary Moinuddin Abdullah here said the country has attained a remarkable success in agriculture sector under the present government.
“In the last eight years, the country witnessed huge food production and it is now a food exporting one,” he told the meeting of the officials of different departments and organizations under the ministry of agriculture.
The meeting was held at the conference hall of Regional Director of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) here on Saturday.
Additional Secretary Nazmul Islam and Director General of Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute Dr Abul Kalam Azad also spoke with Director General of DAE Monzurul Hannan in the chair.
Moinuddin Abdullah said the role of agriculture sector is vital towards making the country’s economy functional alongside ensuring food security. He called upon the field level agriculture officials to discharge their duties with utmost sincerity and honesty.
Referring to the present water-stress condition, he called for promoting less-irrigation crops like wheat, pulses and oil-seeds in the drought-prone brained areas alongside habituating the farmers with using granular urea.
“A farmer can earn net profit of up to Taka one lakh from only 33 decimals of cultivable land through ensuring its best use adopting proper cropping patterns and using inputs and technologies to produce four crops from the same land annually,” he added.
Regional Additional Director of the DAE Md Shah Alam said that attaining sustainable food security was possible through ensuring optimum use of cultivable land and adopting newer cropping patterns and latest technologies despite changing climate.
He called upon the agriculture scientists and researchers to innovate more stress-tolerant crop varieties suitable for cultivation under adverse situations to keep food production increasing under continuous degrading climatic condition.
Specialised education must for skilled human resources
Professionals and educationists at a discussion here on Saturday mentioned there is no alternative to specialized education for generating skilled human resources in the present era of globalization.
They opined that enriching the list of competent manpower could be the effective means of taking forward the nation in the current time of competitive free-market economy.
They were addressing the fourth graduation ceremony of Institute of Business Administration (IBA) in Rajshahi University (RU).