Countdown for Bangabandhu’s birth centenary to begin Jan 10


The countdown for the observance of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s birth centenary will begin on January 10 next and display boards will be set up in 53 districts for the countdown.
The decision was taken at a preparatory meeting at the conference room of public administration secretary.
State Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain attended the meeting as the chief guest with the ministry’s Secretary Faiz Ahmed in the chair, said a press release.
Divisional commissioners and deputy commissioners were given directives through videoconferencing in the meeting.
The State Minister asked the deputy commissioners to work in a coordinated way with lawmakers, political leaders, local government intuitions to fix the place for setting up display boards.
Farhad Hossain urged all to work sincerely to celebrate the birth centenary of Bangabandhu in a befitting manner.
Senior officials of the ministry were present at the meeting.
