CoU students demand Engineering Faculty


Abdullah-Al-Musayeb, CoU :
Students of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department of Comilla University have demanded separate Engineering Faculty.
They demonstrated a procession from Science building, ended at Kathal Tola before the Administrative Building on Sunday last.
The agitated students opined that though they are to study as the students of Engineering Department, but they will have to get honours degree instead of engineering degree after completing the graduation. Therefore, they feared discrimination in the job level.
CSE and ICT students are demanding for this faculty about 3 years. They were assured for several times with their demand by the university authority, but the authority has yet announced any decision. So the students are now moving forward with six-points movement. As the part of this, they formed a human chain on Monday last. They threaten for long time movement unless they get Engineering Faculty.
After the procession, the representatives of the agitated students met with the VC, the Dean of Science faculty, the Secretary of CoU Teachers’ Association and others. The authority assured the students that the demand of an Engineering Faculty will be approved at the upcoming academic meeting and it will also be raised in the next syndicate meeting.
Dr. Mohammad Sayadur Rahaman, the Dean of Science Faculty said that there is no problem to make the Engineering Faculty. All the preparatory works for this faculty have been finished. He hoped that the proposal of Engineering Faculty would be raised and passed in the upcoming academic meeting.
