CoU celebrates Bangabandhu’s birth anniversary

CoU Correspondent :
The 96th birth anniversary of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as well as the National Children Day was observed at Comilla University (CoU) on 17 March with respect and honour. The teachers, students, and other officials of the University gathered and brought out a colorful procession led by the Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Md Ali Ashraf. He placed floral wreath on behalf of the University at the portrait of the father of the nation at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall.
Among Others, Bangabandhu Parishad, CoU Teachers’ Association, Deans of different Faculties, Halls Provosts, CoU unit Chattra League and others offered flowers in the respect of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Bangabandhu Parishad of Comilla University announced a daylong programs including Drawing Competition, cake cutting with children, and a documentary film based on Bangabandhu and Liberation War was shown at the university Muktomonch while the Vice-Chancellor was present as the Chief Guest.
Moreover, A discussion Program was held at the university auditorium room. The speakers of the program said that Bangabandhu is the pioneer of independent Bangladesh.
The exact history of Liberation War has to be upheld to the upcoming generations because they are the would-be leaders of our country. They will come to learn about history of this country if it is rendered to the new generation properly.
 Therefore, they hopped that all the murderers of Bangabandhu who are staying abroad should be taken under punishment as early as possible. At the same time, the speakers requested the government to accelerate the trial of war criminals immediately.
