Cottage industries ruining in Narsingdi


Narsingdi Correspondent :
The traditional cottage industries are on the verge of extinction in the district with the flourishing of plastic and other metal goods in the markets.
Once a good number of skill craftsman inherited from their forefathers in the district had given special dimension on their products by using locally available raw materials as bamboo , cane , straw, claw, jute, cotton ands other fiber plants
The unemployed young girls , distressed women and divorcees were also engaged in this profession and proved that handicrafts was a very effective profession in combating poverty and achieving economic wellbeing in rural areas . They made basket , handifan, wellhanging, toys , flute , ashtray, coolmat , mora, kula, and potteries.s
In the recent years the number of skill craftsman and women folk in the district have been compelled to leave their ancestral and traditional profession as the demand of their production has come down to a great extent .
About 60 percent people engaged in handicrafts have already left their profession.
Talking to this Correspondent Halel miah a 60 years old craftsman of Psatoli union under Belabo upazila said he and his wife produced mora and kula and sold those in the local markets earned a good amount . Now they are passing hard days in object poverty.
Sofia Begum 50 of Sadarchar union under Shibpur upazila said she and her daughter produced basket, and kula selling those they lived happily. Now they are living in abject poverty.
Like Halal Miah and Safia, House wife Rina, Kahinur, Hafaza and craftsman Abul Kashem, Chan miah, Jalal Mial of different upazilas of the district narrated their sorrow and stories, that once they were happy with their traditional handicrafts profession. Now they are living with object poverty.
The said the demand of their product has comedown as the plastic and other metal goods flooded in the markets everywhere .
