Corruption charges against Israeli PM

WORLD’S only Jewish State Israel is now going through a political chaos as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been fighting for his political career. If the crisis prolongs, Israeli people will have to brace for a political roller-coaster ride. The present crisis initiated when Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit accused Mr Netanyahu of accepting hundreds of thousands of pounds in luxury gifts from billionaire friends and for trading valuable favours with Israeli media and telecoms moguls for positive news coverage. Leader of right-wing Likud Party, Mr Netanyahu, has been in power since 2009 as Israel’s longest-serving Prime Minister. Though he has rejected all allegations terming them “false” and “politically motivated”, there is no doubt that it would damage 70-year-old politician’s career permanently. His wife Sara was also charged with fraud. Even so, he vowed not to step down as Israel’s Prime Minister.
As per law, Mr Netanyahu would be forced to resign from the post if he is eventually convicted, where he could face also imprisonment. But it will take at least two years to complete the judicial procedures. So, there is an uncertainty who will lead a country mired in political chaos. The corruption charge against the Israeli PM is expected to have a wide-reaching effect not just on him personally but on country’s politics in general, as Israel has been without a government for nearly a year because of political infighting. Netanyahu failed to get a clean win in the polls. He or centrist leader Benny Gantz – none of them — has been able to form a coalition government since elections in September. Gantz’s Blue and White party has said it will not sit in a government whose leader is facing such charges. That means, Israel is moving towards a third election.
We’re not surprised seeing Netanyahu’s financial corruption as a leader of politically-corrupt State can’t keep him free from such corruption. Mr Neatnyahu has made the Middle-East politics critical taking unnecessary repressive measures against the Muslim States in the region. Muslim’s sentiment was hurt when Jerusalem got recognition as Israel’s capital. An honest leader – in every respect – is very much needed for Israel for its own existence as well as betterment of the region.